...good scary opportunities...

...good scary opportunities...

...grab the opportunity,
each of them,
every one of them,
and run with it...
...how life can change in the twinkle of an eye,
in the instant of making a decision,
when you grab the opportunity that's been offered...
...it's such a cliche, that life is short,
but it is...it really is,,,
...so yes, maybe it's impulsive,
maybe it's rash,
maybe it's even a little bit scary,
but it's also exciting,
and good scary!
...I started this blog back in February,
back when the opportuniies that presented themselves
were still pretty new...
...now I'm living in a new city,
managing a new store,
looking for a new home,
meeting new people,
and making a new life!
(although that's not to say
I'm not keeping all the good parts
of my old life :) 
...there have been weeks of intense work,
personal discovery,
stresses and strains,
days of sheer joy,
moments of pleasure,
moments of pure frustration,
new adventures,
excitement and laughter,
unexpected support
and love...
...it's been an absolute roller coaster,
four months of ups and downs,
but I wouldn't change a thing
because the opportunity is not always there
step up,
make a change,
stretch yourself
take a chance!
Happy Stitching
Jen xx
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